The first fully regulated fund dedicated to investing in Ukraine's energy and real estate sectors.

The Ukraine Recovery Fund focuses on investment projects with a capital commitment of EUR 1 to 25 million per project. We invest in renewable energy sources, in solar, wind and hydro power plants, but also in real estate through our experienced team and local partners.

Learn more

Unlocking Potential

The Ukraine Recovery Fund is strategically focused on the pivotal energy and real estate sectors, considering them as the cornerstones of a renewed Ukraine. Beyond providing investment opportunities for investors, our goal is to actively contribute to Ukraine's economic revival and the well-being of its society.
Emerging Private Sector

Announced privatization of state-owned enterprises ready to be sold through small and large-scale privatization.

Transition to Renewables

Total technical potential of onshore renewable energy sources.

Energy Hub of Europe

Planned electricity transfer capacity between Ukraine and the EU by 2030.

Fund overview

Investment Strategy

We invest in various renewable energy projects, such as solar or wind, and in strategic real estate assets, including farmland, industrial, and commercial properties.

Geographical Focus

Our investment strategy focuses on the western and central parts of Ukraine and leverages our local presence to effectively identify opportunities and manage risk.

Fund Structure

Our SICAV fund offers investors a unique structure that provides flexibility, professional capital management, transparency and the security of a tax efficient regulated entity.

Investor Benefits

We provide access to a diverse range of projects with significant potential for capital appreciation. These projects are carefully selected by professional fund management and experts with a proven track record.

Target Investors

We collaborate with institutional investors seeking exposure to emerging markets or sustainable investments, as well as high-net-worth individuals interested in unique projects.

Risk Management

Risk mitigation for our investors is our priority and we invest intensively in monitoring potential threats, political dynamics and regulatory changes.

Ukraine Recovery Fund SICAV a.s.

We have pioneered the first fully regulated qualified investor fund based in Prague, Czech Republic, investing in the energy and real estate sectors in Ukraine. Our goal is twofold: to provide our investors with a solid platform for capital appreciation and to be supportive of positive developments in Ukraine.
15+ % p.a.
Targeted Return
100+ mio. EUR
Expected AUM
10 years
Investment Horizon

Investment Focus

Future in Renewable Energy

Our commitment to sustainability extends to these future renewable energy projects, as we strive to minimize environmental impact and maximize energy efficiency in a region with immense promise. By reducing Ukraine's reliance on traditional energy sources, we aim to modernize the country's energy infrastructure, bringing it closer to Central and Western European standards.

Aspiring Real Estate Assets

Our long-term goal is to build real estate assets that provide economic opportunities, enhance local infrastructure, and enrich communities in Ukraine, a nation marked by unique challenges and opportunities. Through these investments, we strive to contribute to Ukraine's journey towards a modern, efficient, and prosperous future.

Solar Power Plants

Our strategic vision includes plans to invest in modern solar power plants, harnessing Ukraine's abundant sunshine for clean, sustainable energy. These projects are part of our long-term commitment to environmental sustainability and are essential for Ukraine's path towards energy independence and a more secure energy future.

Wind Power Plants

We aim to invest in wind power plants to reduce carbon emissions and promote green energy in Ukraine, a nation with substantial wind resources yet to be fully utilized. This step towards renewables will also contribute significantly to Ukraine's energy independence and resilience.

Commercial Properties

Our primary focus in the real estate sector is on logistics, warehouse, and industrial properties. These future investments are designed to meet the growing demand for efficient storage and distribution solutions in a country poised for development. As we work towards these aspirations, we envision a Ukraine with a more secure and modern infrastructure, which will not only contribute to sustainability and economic development but also play a vital role in supporting a nation with untapped potential.

Solar Power Plants

Our strategic vision includes plans to invest in modern solar power plants, harnessing Ukraine's abundant sunshine for clean, sustainable energy. These projects are part of our long-term commitment to environmental sustainability and are essential for Ukraine's path towards energy independence and a more secure energy future.

Wind Power Plants

We aim to invest in wind power plants to reduce carbon emissions and promote green energy in Ukraine, a nation with substantial wind resources yet to be fully utilized. This step towards renewables will also contribute significantly to Ukraine's energy independence and resilience.

Commercial Properties

Our primary focus in the real estate sector is on logistics, warehouse, and industrial properties. These future investments are designed to meet the growing demand for efficient storage and distribution solutions in a country poised for development. As we work towards these aspirations, we envision a Ukraine with a more secure and modern infrastructure, which will not only contribute to sustainability and economic development but also play a vital role in supporting a nation with untapped potential.

Our Commitment

Investor Prosperity

We are resolute in our commitment to delivering exceptional financial returns. By strategically investing in Ukraine's energy and real estate sectors, we aim to outperform traditional investment options, offering our investors a chance to participate in the country's resurgence.

Rebuilding Ukraine

Our dedication to the people of Ukraine goes beyond profits. We see our investments as instruments of change, helping to rebuild the nation. Through infrastructure development and job creation, we aim to contribute to Ukraine's long-term stability and growth.

Regulation and Transparency

We hold ourselves to the highest standards of accountability. Our fund operates within the EU regulatory framework and is supervised by the Czech National Bank, which ensures the protection of our investors and their investments.


Recognizing the importance of responsible investment, we actively seek opportunities that promote sustainability, environmental consciousness, and social well-being. Our aim is to invest in Ukraine in a sustainable and eco-friendly manner.

Community Empowerment

The well-being of local communities in Ukraine is an integral part of our strategy. We work in tandem with these communities, involving them in our investment decisions and ensuring that our investments benefit them as well.

Global Collaboration

We understand that rebuilding Ukraine is a global endeavor. We actively seek partnerships and collaborations with international organizations, governments, and stakeholders who share our vision, to amplify our impact and make a more significant difference.


Maros Kravec Founding Partner

In 2018 Maros founded LitFin, a European complex litigation funder with a special focus on funding follow-on cases related to the private enforcement of damages within the realms of EU competition law. In 2019, Maros was honored as part of Forbes' 30 Under 30 and is a Chambers-ranked individual for 2023 in the EU. In 2022 he co-found the first Ukrainian-Czech Chamber of Commerce, which today has more than 100 active members. In 2023, he established Ukraine Recovery Fund SICAV a.s. to enable investors to participate in Ukraine's recovery.

Jan Eisenreich CEO & Partner

Jan is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Fund and has extensive knowledge and skills in both business and legal matters, which he has acquired during several years of working as the partner of a Prague law firm. Jan graduated in law at Charles University (Czech Republic). He is primarily responsible for fund management and seeking new opportunities.

Ondrej Tylecek Partner

Ondrej is mainly responsible for the legal agenda, investments and business relations. He gained his professional experience as a lawyer focusing on transactions and corporate law and as an investor in the private sector. Ondrej studied law at Masaryk University (Czech Republic) and Brussels School of Competition (Belgium).

Ondrej Drahorad Partner

Ondrej is a lawyer with a master's degree in law and legal science from the Faculty of Law of Charles University in Prague. He has extensive experience in insolvency law, civil law, competition law and is skilled in legal tech. In the Fund, he is responsible for covering transactions, supervision of legal relations and contract law matters.

Tomas Somogyi Investments

Tomas spent his first eight years at Conseq - the largest independent investment manager in the Czech Republic - setting up and managing investment funds and companies. The aggregate AUM of funds that have been under his care now exceeds EUR 1.5 billion. He focuses on topics related to fundraising and investment management and is responsible for evaluating opportunities and financial matters.

Petr Krumphanzl Management

Petr is a seasoned professional who has extensive international experience and especially in Ukraine where he has held senior positions such as CEO of PrivatBank. He is responsible for liaison with government institutions, international financial institutions, and Ukrainian banks.

Lukas Hageneder Investments

Lukas has a background in mechanical engineering with a focus on powerplant engineering. He began his career at Conseq Investment Management, one of the largest investment managers in the Czech Republic, where he gained experience in the investment field. Today, he is combining his knowledge of mechanical engineering with his experience from investments in the Ukraine Recovery Fund.

Dmitry Prinus Energy

For past six years Dmitry focused on renewable energy projects, including development of 150MW in wind and 100MW in solar power plants portfolio in Ukraine. Dmitry is a board member of EUEA, one of the biggest renewable energy agency in Ukraine. From additional educational courses, Dmitry has extensive knowledge in solar energy engineering.

Yevgeniy Bogdanov Legal

Over the past ten years, Yevgeniy has worked in both the public and private sectors, specialising in providing legal assistance and support in the areas of criminal, commercial and tender law. He is the founder of a law firm and a member of the Audit Committee of the Ukrainian Red Cross Society. As a Doctor of Laws, Yevhen is also an Associate Professor at one of the Ukrainian universities.

Dennis Ritsema Advisory

Dennis started his career managing real estate portfolios in the Netherlands and continued this with a focus on acquisitions when he moved to the Czech Republic. The years he was based in Ukraine and Serbia the main tasks were evaluating and advising on various investment and development opportunities and privatization processes. Currently he has an advising role within the Fund.

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Hybernská 1033/7a
110 00 Prague 1
Czech Republic




Obolonska Naberezhna 15
04210 Kyiv
Ukraine Recovery Fund SICAV a.s. © 2024

DISCLAIMER: Ukraine Recovery Fund SICAV, a.s. (the "Fund") hereby announces that investment in investment shares of the Energy Sub-Fund, which is part of the Fund (the "Sub-Fund"), is permitted only to qualified investors within the meaning of Section 272 of Act No. 240/2013 Coll., on Investment Companies and Investment Funds.

This promotional communication is for information purposes only. Investors should carefully study the Statute before making an investment decision. The current version of the Statute and other information on the investment opportunity is available to investors upon request from the Fund.

Targeted or historical performance is not a guarantee of any future returns. Returns to an investor may increase or decrease due to fluctuations in currency exchange rates. An investment in the Sub-Fund may not be appropriate or adequate for an interested investor. The opinions and recommendations set out herein do not take into account the circumstances and personal circumstances of individual investors, their financial background, knowledge, experience, objectives or needs and are not intended to recommend specific investment vehicles or strategies to particular investors. Investors are required to make their own decisions about the suitability/appropriateness of investing in any investment instruments based on due consideration of price, potential risks and hazards, their own investment strategy and their own legal, tax and financial circumstances. A prospective investor may also be found not in the group of persons to whom such investment is directed (the „target market“). Fund or another distributor of the Fund will determine whether an investor is in the relevant target market based on the information provided by the investor in the investment questionnaire.

This information in no way constitutes an offer to buy or sell investment instruments.

This information represents the opinion of the Fund and is subject to change without notice.

All documents and information relating to the Fund and its business partners and activities that are obtained by any of the parties based on any form of communication from the time of the initiation of the communication are confidential.