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Ukraine Recovery Fund SICAV a.s. © 2024

DISCLAIMER: Ukraine Recovery Fund SICAV, a.s. (the "Fund") hereby announces that investment in investment shares of the Energy Sub-Fund, which is part of the Fund (the "Sub-Fund"), is permitted only to qualified investors within the meaning of Section 272 of Act No. 240/2013 Coll., on Investment Companies and Investment Funds.

This promotional communication is for information purposes only. Investors should carefully study the Statute before making an investment decision. The current version of the Statute and other information on the investment opportunity is available to investors upon request from the Fund.

Targeted or historical performance is not a guarantee of any future returns. Returns to an investor may increase or decrease due to fluctuations in currency exchange rates. An investment in the Sub-Fund may not be appropriate or adequate for an interested investor. The opinions and recommendations set out herein do not take into account the circumstances and personal circumstances of individual investors, their financial background, knowledge, experience, objectives or needs and are not intended to recommend specific investment vehicles or strategies to particular investors. Investors are required to make their own decisions about the suitability/appropriateness of investing in any investment instruments based on due consideration of price, potential risks and hazards, their own investment strategy and their own legal, tax and financial circumstances. A prospective investor may also be found not in the group of persons to whom such investment is directed (the „target market“). Fund or another distributor of the Fund will determine whether an investor is in the relevant target market based on the information provided by the investor in the investment questionnaire.

This information in no way constitutes an offer to buy or sell investment instruments.

This information represents the opinion of the Fund and is subject to change without notice.

All documents and information relating to the Fund and its business partners and activities that are obtained by any of the parties based on any form of communication from the time of the initiation of the communication are confidential.